> Missing is a 360º panoramic view showing whether or not there is a large radio
> tower or high voltage overhead wires nearby.

OUTSIDE OF DEMING NM;  'Legendarily' one of the electrical-engineers that layed 
high tension underground lines through the area returned to that area after 
retirement and bought some property stradling the line that he'd laid for the 
power company.  Then supposedly he had a forged copper-'beam'(I have no idea 
how long & thick; perhaps he saved a lifetime of pennies~:^) just outside & 
parallel to the 'easement' of said underground power-line and thereby 'pirated' 
enough induced power to run his ranch easily. . . yea maybe. . . or not.
PER YOU-TUBE: I'm thinking that the flick was taken over such an underground 
line. . . IF NOT then Tesla's dream of 'tapping' the planetary EM-Flux grid 
would perforce be at work here. . . If it is so simple then we are collectively 
all morons for not getting it sooner. . . ouchee:(
PER ESOTERIC EXPLANATIONS of the whole shebang:  Posit/re-explanation of 
familiar phenomenon;  The solar system/all solar systems are MACRO-COSMIC 
ATOMS.  My Solar-Core white-hole theory would indicate(if accurate) that 
Ingress-AexoDarkSpace-HyperPlasma is both SuperGravionic/Electro-Gravionic and 
that this is part and parcel to all Electro-magnetic phenomenon.  Here's some 
'new' terms eg. ElectroGravitic-ElectroGravionics yadda yadda.
EVEN REGARDLESS IF YOU BUY THIS or 'not' :(-->Solar-Systems and/or atoms 
etc.(and maybe some sub-atomic structures)are GYRO-TOROIDAL ELECTRO-PLASMIC 
MAGNETIC SYSTEMS or in short; they are Electric Motors. . .(nano-bot powering 
devices? hey call the patent attorney! ! !~:-)
You-Tube CASE IN POINT:  Even if such miniscule and primitive quasi-EM-induced 
Collecting-devices do not USUALLY pull enough of the BASE AMBIENT EM-GEO-MAG 
FIELD to turn the wee-motor; PERHAPS this indicates Solar-Flare etc. activity 
not only would tend to up the Aurora-Borealis effect but also increase the 
Geo-Mag-EM [speed-density(frequency)]=which=equals=MASS-DENSITY-MOMENTUM etc. . 
. . and. . . for the moment it's enough of an increase for the wee-motor to 
turn via the we mag-coil induced-collection device. (So that's what those SILLY 
MAYANS were talking about!~;)
POSITING that 'any' WAVE is Helical-String and the 'frequency' also per Dirac 
equals wave-length-RATE OF SPIN etc. and 'rate of spin' within the BaseAmbient 
'Space-Time Normal' Ubiquitous 'plasma' acts as an 'impeller-screw' and DRAWS 
PLASMA DENSIFYING the 'field immediately adjacent' the helical-wave-string and 
that this is a defacto-definition of the GRAVITIC-EFFECT aka GRAVITY which is 
also operant via the SPIN of atoms and where ANYTHING SPINS is the 
(plasma-gathering-compression)GRAVITIC EFFECT aka ELECTRO-PLASMIC-GRAVITIC 
EFFECT. . .  
?HOWs ABOUT: 'Spin-rate/frequency=Gravity'
?Hows about:  GYRO-CENTRIFIC GRAVITIC AFFECT= the 'mass-wall' compression 
effect of say the 'SURFACE OF PROTONS' and 'SURFACE OF SUNS' around its 
singularity centre which is connected to/and fed by AexoDarkSpace  plasma 
ingress-egress 'flow?'
?Is it possible for the gyro-centrific-spin of a BLACK-HOLE to form a 
quasi-stable 'solid-shell' and thus be quasi-stable; although far denser then 
'matter made of space-time-normal atoms' we could call this 'fixed-stable' form 
of BLACK-HOLE 'no-longer' a 'singularity' but rather a TRUE DARK-MATTER super 
planet? ? ?  
ROTATE about? ? ?
?OR IS THIS SIMPLY and exercise in jargonized non-sense & garbage. . . :D
*Methinks we've come full circle here and are back to ROCK-CLOCK. . . .
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:What Makes this Motor Turn?
> Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 07:00:24 +1100
> In reply to Terry Blanton's message of Sun, 13 Jan 2013 14:35:01 -0500:
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >Is it the wind?
> >
> >
> I doubt it. The speed is fairly constant irrespective of orientation. The
> voltage from the coil on the meter is 5.92 volts, which seems to match the
> sluggish performance of the motor compared to its speed when running on the 9
> volt battery.
> Note that the flat plate glued to the coil is a magnet. 
> Missing is a 360º panoramic view showing whether or not there is a large radio
> tower or high voltage overhead wires nearby.
> The main coil is centre tapped (approximately) by the perpendicular coil, 
> which
> I think may be related to full wave rectification.
> The whole thing is reminiscent of the Avramenko Plug. One or more solder 
> joints
> may function as a diode.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

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