I my view, heat and/or the application of pulsed electric current are/is
an indispensable ingredient in the LENR reaction. Do you agree?

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> Let's start from a different viewpoint.  I would like to find out from Tom
> and other people whether their approach can be applied to my approach. I'm
> trying to explain what is common to all approaches, which might be
> combined, and where they are different and might need to be modified.
> I proposed, as does everyone, that a new structure is required to form in
> PdD, for example, in order to initiate mass-energy conversion because no
> conventional chemical structure can do this. Each of the proposed theories
> identifies some kind of change, but each one is different. The proposed
> structure is given different names and different properties, but the goal
> is the same.  We are all trying to solve the same problem by proposing
> different mechanisms and we place these structures at different locations
> within the material. I'm trying to find some agreement we all can live with.
> No matter which kind of structure is proposed, its formation MUST follow
> known and accepted chemical rules because this is initially a normal
> chemical structure that forms within a normal chemical structure. No idea
> can be accepted if it violates basic chemical rules no matter how much QM
> is applied or how complex the mathematical justification.  No idea will be
> accepted if it violates the Laws of Thermodynamics, for example.  Can we
> agree on this basic requirement??
> I choose the crack as the location of this transformation because creation
> of such a novel structure can not take place in the lattice itself without
> violating these rules, which I have explained previously.  This conclusion
> is important and BASIC to understanding LENR. People have to stop trying to
> fit their structure into the lattice. Using the lattice as the location is
> the major flaw in the theories. This  requirement MUST be resolved because
> no agreement exists at the present time.
> Eventually, I will examine ALL the proposed models with respect to this
> requirement, but right now I would like to show how my model fits this
> requirement. I propose a large molecule must form from hydrons, which other
> people have called a cluster. I simply add more details about how this
> structure can be created based on conventional concepts.  Most other models
> ignore the formation process.
> Such a molecule can form between hydrons if the normal s electron can be
> promoted to the p level.  This promotion cannot occur in the normal lattice
> because the p level has more energy than does the s level. On the other
> hand, a crack of suitable size can promote the s state electron to the p
> state as a result of the intense negative charge on the walls of the crack.
>  This should be easy to justify using QM calculations, which I suggest Tom
> explore.
> This promotion would allow many D to be coupled together in a string. At
> this point in the model, conventional bond behavior is described. The only
> novel feature is the ability of the charge on the walls of the crack to
> promote the election to the next quantum level.  Nevertheless, the
> structure contains all the features required to start the mass-energy
> conversion, i.e. many hydrons coupled together by electrons and a physical
> form that can resonate.  The only question remaining, Is this structure
> sufficient to initiate mass-energy conversion?
> The basic question is, Which structure being proposed as the mechanism for
> the mass-energy conversion process is correct? Each of the structures has
> flaws and limitations we each can identify in the other models, but not
> perhaps not in our own.  Can we agree that the structure most likely to be
> correct and certainly the most useful one will explain the greatest number
> of observations? Also, no proposed structure can be tested unless the
> conditions causing its formation can be created in real materials. Purely
> mathematical models applied to ideal materials, I suggest, can be rejected
> immediately.
> Can we discuss and agree about any of these conclusions?
> Ed

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