
From: francis.x.roa...@lmco.com
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT 
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2013 13:03:24 +0000

Well said Jack..  even if your vocabulary is different your thoughts are clear 
.[snip] This reaction loops out of & back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant' leg 
of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.[/snip] 
It also confuses the syntax since time and space are exchanging metrics in the 
same manner as the Twin paradox only it is we outside the Casimir containment 
that appear to be nearly stationary in time relative to the negative vacuum 
pressure being experienced by the hydrogen protons… even normal spontaneous 
emissions pile up and then become phase shifted as they follow the slowing 
downward well into our normal space-time here in the macro world.. a micro 
warp/hill instead of the macro gravity wells we normally consider relativistic 
in our macro reality. I think the MAHG may have exploited another aspect of 
this containment effect where the energy was used to disassociate H2 as an 
interim step in rectifying the virtual energy into our plane.

From: Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan [mailto:alset9te...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2013 12:42 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Electrolytic/CatalyticFusion'is'a ZERO-POINT PHENOMENON

*Let's Light this Candle*
Nuclear Physics couldn't touch the LENR concept because this is Zero-Point
Transdimensional Physics. The 'hydrogen' does 'fuse' so they'll just have
to go back to school when Transdimensional Physic 101 makes it to
MIT's curriculum.
No wonder that the 'hot fusion' ludites have TOKO-MACS which repeat insanely 
the same
processes fruitlessly; which is the definition of Insanity; getting the same 
failing results.
They who then deleted Eugene Mallove. . . indeed are maniacs.  They
should watch 'A Beautiful Mind' a few more times until they 'get-it.'
Grant Money aka Large Dollars. . . ruthless competition for $ and prestige. . . 
what a waste.
Electrolytic-Catalytic fusion is a Zero-Point ingress plasma function.  
Zero-Point energy aka plasma-breach ingress 'plasma' is the fusing agent.
The 'coil' around the paladium cathode needs to be a full tesla coil in design 
the fuel cell. . . to expedite the process the coil/paladium cathode need to be
Tesla quick-interval 'fired' to get the make-n-break field collapse tesla coil
boost which is in fact the most basic form of creating an incipient 
Zero-Point Gyro-Toroidal field.  The 'light' coil which 
just needed to get 'beefed-up.'
I try again to explain the transdimensional process which could be said to be
Stimulated Atomic Particle Mobius-Teleportation-Loop Fusion which is
a Transdimensional micro-singularity Plasma-Breach Phenomenon
within a Gyro-Toroidal induction field.
I said that beauty of the electolytic process is in that the nuclei of the 
protons are dialating-micro-singularities.  And the two dialated hydrogen nuclei
are compacting in the Paladium field induced gyro-toroidal field via the coil 
which becomes a small incipient zero-point plasma breach. . . & . . . each 
is simultaneously it's own micro-plasma breach ( now dialated by the 
electro-induction energy).
The gross effect is that ingress-plasma creates a fusion-input level because
it has an effect, especially within casimir containment(which is a 
transdimensional mobius
looping transtemporal effect also).  The reaction actually has More-Time to
involve greater fusion & ingress plasma yields than it 'seems' is transpiring
to our relatively 'shorter' observation-reaction times on our side of the
Mobius gate figure-eighting into Parallel AexoSpectrum & back; Fused!
The sum total is that the two 'now-made-heavy tritium-hydrogens by ingress 
nucleus-eye plasma' merge-fuse as they egress and mobius loop back
in what we could call a 'Casimir-Mobius' Transdimensional-Transtemporal
loop.  This reaction loops out of & back into space-time normal eg.
back into the Electrolytic-Catalytic cell which makes the 'most-inportant'
leg of the fusion process invisible which is what makes everybody so crazy.
Trandimensional Physics 'is' WSFM/Weird Science & Frickin Magic and
the Conventional Hot-Nuclear Physicists will just have to 'Suck-it-up.'
This process both fusion-yields and 'drags' back into space-time normal ingress 
which I have called Parallel-AexoSpace-Plasma which defines
the exoponential heat multiplication.

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