

What is the take-away message from any "designer name"? First - it should
point to the most attractive feature, and second it should be fairly unique.
The underlying reaction is almost certainly Quantum Mechanical - as opposed
to thermonuclear. The least we can do is put a "Q" into any new name, since
this connotes both "high tech" and change (e.g. quantum shift). It is almost
impossible to find anything truly unique these days.


"Quantum" shows up positively in a lot of products or titles - including a
James Bond movie, so the connotations are favorable. No one has a monopoly
on it, whereas the name "cold fusion" is being usurped by a large software
community. "Reactor" has a negative connotation.


Therefore, it seems wise to put "Quantum"  or "Q" into the nomenclature
somewhere but possibly not "reactor" and probably not "cold" since the
HotCat is the cat's pajamas and it ain't cold. 


"QF" for quantum fusion has a nice concise ring to it, so long as the fusion
part is understood to be a "conjoining of atoms" and NOT thermonuclear
fusion. However, it is likely that the boondoggle of thermonuclear fusion
ITER and NOVA etc will eventually be looked at by future generations as the
most gigantic waste of resources in human history, so we should probably not
even put the f-word in there at all.


What at about QCat  for Quantum Catalysis? 


That would give too much credit to Rossi, in the event that his contribution
turns out not to be the major breakthrough which pushed the technology over
the top. But as of now, it does look like AR could be the man of the hour,
so I'm thinking QCat works pending more complete testing protocol and more
openness from AR.


BTW the correct spelling of the folder, according to Outlook - is one "l" as
in "manila" and the name comes from a type of hemp, according to Wiki .
strange connections, all around... Hey, don't Bogart that name.



Jed Rothwell wrote:

Until everyone agrees on what cold fusion is, there is no point to inventing
a new name for it.


It does not matter in any case, because the name is not the thing. Many
words are technically inaccurate, obsolete or misleading. A "solid-state
disk" (SSD) is not disk-shaped, and a round shape tells you nothing about
the function of an SSD. A computer folder does not fold.


Words such as "folder" and folder icons on the computer screen are
skeuomorphs. When my daughter was around 10 she came to my office and saw a
real manilla folder for the first time, and said, "so that's what it shows 



From: Jack Cole 


Good points Alain.  I suppose it may all become a mute point as more
positive results roll in, and if there is a running reactor that the public
can visit.


Alain Sepeda wrote:

Some corporate serial innovator said me that Cold Fusion is the best name.

Today it is satanic because of mainstream denial, but soon people won't

but unlike LENR, CANR, LANR, HENI. it is not NUCLEAR .

it is COLD, thus safe, not dangerous 

it is FUSION, so it is sexy, inclusive 

the only good name might be the Quantum Reactor.
it is a bit geek . not for my mum. :mrgreen: 
For me like for many geek, quantum is sexy :shock: , and reactor is macho
:shock: . but for mum, it is doubtful and dangerous black magic :twisted: .

so really COLD FUSION is the best name.
the brand is established, the 2 words have good connotation (safe, sexy,
inclusive 8-) ), and bad reputation will disappear with a feeling of revenge
on the men in power :twisted: .

like raising the finger in front of the government. a safe sexy rebel
reactor 8-) :twisted:
COOL! :mrgreen:"





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