It takes time to formulate a well-structured and informative post. However,
If a mindless randomize word generator technique is used to produce a
series of post , a high rate of verbiage can be spewed out in a relatively
short timeframe.

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Terry Blanton <> wrote:

> Take a look at the posting times of JC's latest posts in the Ethics
> string and compare with the length of the posts:
> 7:44
> 7:45
> 7:46
> 7:48
> 7:50
> 7:52
> 7:54
> 7:55
> 7:57
> 7:58
> 7:59
> 8:08
> Hmmm. Interesting, eh?  Now, I'm not saying he is a bot; but, can even
> Jed do this in real time with his Dragon?
> How can you bot gmail like this?  Maybe Cude is a bunch of MIT
> students having a go at Vorts?
> Lookit, guys, it you don't talk to him, he will go away.  Or it will.
> Whatever.

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