But, seriously, that was an excellent description.  Can you supply a link to it?

From: cr...@overunity.co
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to 
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2013 19:59:40 -0700

Often pseudosceptics have a high opinion of themselves, see themselves as 
elite. It is interesting that a disproportionately high number of 
pseudosceptics have an interest in magic.
Most however, appear to suffer from Imagination Deficiency Personality IDP

Fictional miss-identification: Often an IDP will react 
to fictional representations as though they are real. For example, they 
may complain about how a popular fictional TV programs portrays the 
paranormal, or get irate if a book they are reading invokes a ghost or 
spirit, or has a character convert to a spiritual outlook. Some write 
letters of complaint to newspapers that, for example, carry an astrology
 column. Once again all subjects were positive on this measure with one 
(Subject 5) even refusing to fly on an airline whose travel magazine 
included an astrology column.

Delusions of superiority: In many cases the IDP will 
believe that they have special traits or talents not shared by other 
people. Usually these are confined to a narrow range of human abilities,
 and tend to center around issues of intelligence or education. In the 
mildly IDP this may simply come off as immaturity, arrogance or elitism.
 Subject 3, however, consistently referred to others as “delusional” or 
made references to “Elevator[s] not going to the top floor,” and 
subjects 7, 8 and 9 dedicated substantial time to denigrating the works 
of some obscure scholars.
Hyper-realistic representation: This is a tendency on 
the part of the imagination deficient to expect a realistic or rational 
representation in all aspects of life. For example, the IDP may engage 
in nit picking about plot lines in TV programs or books, or complain 
about contemporary linguistic usage which conflicts with a technical 
term. Eight of the 10 subjects scored positive on this measure. Subjects
 8 and 9 wrote books substantially about correct usage of scientific 

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: [Vo]:Why are pseudoskeptics so relentless in their mission to


From: "OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson" <orionwo...@charter.net>

Date: Wed, June 05, 2013 12:24 pm

To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>

A question that hasn't been asked is WHY many pseudoskeptics seem to pursue 
rabid vendettas against issues like UFOs, or CF & LENR, relentlessly so. I 
suspect they do so because they have ironically misplaced the specific audience 
they are actually trying to convince. Pseudoskeptics think they are trying to 
convince a vast world "others" of the fact that their conclusions & opinions 
are incorrect. This approach will invariably fail because they refuse to admit 
the possibility that the person they are really trying to convince is no one 
other than themselves. Unfortunately, they are incapable of admitting this 
because they have invested too much of their EGO in a house of cards that they 
must continue to support. It also helps explains why their posting 
predilections are often obsessively relentless. Constantly focusing all of 
their energy on trying to tear apart the opinions of others will obviously 
never address their own unrealized doubts. Therefore, the only option they feel 
they have left at their own disposal is to try harder.

Such irony!
Steven Vincent Johnson


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