Possible connection to Mills' f/H or inverse rydberg states???


"If 20 of titanium's 22 electrons are removed, it becomes a highly charged
ion that looks in many ways like a helium atom that has been shrunk to a
tenth its original size,"


Observations made with NIST's Electron Beam Ion Trap indicate that in ions
with a strongly positive charge, electrons can behave in ways inconsistent
with quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory, which describes electromagnetism.
While more experiments are needed, the data could imply that some aspects of
QED theory require revision. Credit: NIST


"What the NIST experiment found is interesting enough that it merits
attention," says Jonathan Sapirstein, a professor of physics at the
University of Notre Dame. "Independent calculations should be done to
confirm the theory, and other experiments should also confirm the findings.
However, if no errors are found in the theory and the NIST experiment is
correct, some physics outside of QED must be present."


-Mark Iverson


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