>From time to time, people post messages here where the response goes to the
author instead of the list. I think this has to do with a "reply-to" option
in some e-mail programs. I don't recall, and I do not see anywhere to
change it here in Gmail.

John Milstone had this problem. He seems to have fixed it by temporarily
setting his e-mail address to"vortex-l@eskimo.com." I guess for the
purposes of this conversation. It comes out:

John Milstone <vortex-l@eskimo.com>

That's fine. However, there is probably an easier way for him to accomplish
this. His address is on Yahoo.com. Perhaps someone there at Yahoo could
assist him.

If someone could spell out why this happens maybe Bill can put a message
about it in the guide to Vortex.

- Jed

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