Yiannis said this concerning the mismatch between HV measurement:

For the HV power:one had to calculate also its duty cycle (approx 20%).
There were some mistakes done during this demo (at conditions never before
experienced). The most serious was done by the observer Matts Lawen who
caused a general electric power fail to tje entire building (fortuantly
during the degasing phase) when trying to connect an oscilloscope in a
board.  Other minnors also (my responsibilty of course), mainly on
synchronizing the test protocol with broadcasting and ICCF schedule (which
was annoying to my team). I was sleepless for 3 days, with a jet lag
traveling from Vancouver and I allmost colapsed one hour before scheduled
sutdown. That is why we had to stop 30minutes before schedule not
completing the broadcast with absolute cooling down. Some 5 late questions
from ICCF I replied just now through email from the hotel.
I think that we achived something positive today.The public reactions are
more positive than expected.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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