Mats Lewan acted as an independent observer of the Defkalion demonstration; he 
gives a full account on his blog. His view is that is appears to be genuine, 
producing 5.5 kilowatts of heat from a 2.7-kilowatt input. The input and output 
measurements all appear legitimate, but it's difficult to rule out concealed 
power wires or other clever forms of cheating. 
The term "Cold Fusion" is barely whispered in respectable scientific circles. 
Perhaps that's why the event has become the 18th International Conference on 
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science -- but it's still abbreviated to ICCF-18 
because of its original name, the International Conference of Cold Fusion. 
[ Picks up on Douglas Morrison's ""Please can I have a cup of tea?" ]
Confidence in this field is at an all-time high-among the believers anyway. 
Steven Krivit, editor of New Energy Times and long-term observer of LENR 
developments is less convinced by the whole event, which he feels has declined 
since its early days.

"I have had serious concerns about the general level of scientific quality at 
this conference series in the last few years," Krivit told
[ Of course .. any paper that doesn't adopt WL is of poor quality ]
A combination of fraud and self-delusion may be inflating a bubble of belief in 
cold fusion. Anyone wanting a cup of tea at next year's conference may be able 
to get hot water from one of several brands of LENR-powered boiler. Commercial 
units might even be on sale; but buyers would still be well-advised to look 
very carefully for hidden wires.

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