I see no relationship to LENR. This is obviously hot fusion. Neutrons can be 
made at 35kv, as described on the article, but at a low rate. This was not 
understood at the time. Now if is. We do not have to be taught y such early 


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On Jul 28, 2013, at 5:07 PM, David ledin <mathematic.analy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Written by Lewis Larsen
> You may really enjoy reading this amazing tale of a brilliant
> LENR-related experimental discovery back in
> 1951 --- followed by its descent into total obscurity. Simply lost and
> forgotten by mainstream physics.
> In the history of science, it seems that experimental results that
> don't somehow fit within some sort of
> contemporary conceptual paradigm often tend to get ignored. Sadly, in
> many cases such results are
> never reported anywhere in peer-reviewed journals for posterity. In
> that regard, this cover note is
> combined with scanned page images from Chapter 6 in Dr. Ernest
> Sternglass' little 1997 book, “Before
> the Big Bang - the Origin of the Universe.”
> The excerpted page scans from the above book chapter are those in
> which Dr. Sternglass describes
> some enigmatic experiments that he conducted in the Cornell University
> physics department back in the
> early 1950s.It recounts his work with an old hydrogen-filled X-ray
> tube, as well as a subsequent dialogue
> with Albert Einstein in attempting to understand the (then) utterly
> inexplicable experimental results.
> Seven years ago, relationship to le r , then in his late 80s, told me over the
> telephone that (before he had
> communicated with Einstein about his strange results) the legendary
> Hans Bethe had looked over his
> experimental data and was totally baffled too. Nobody at Cornell
> understood what was happening in the
> experimental setup that could possibly produce the observed fluxes of
> neutrons (obviously, ultra low
> momentum neutrons were not produced in his experiments --- they were
> more akin to what happens in
> high-current exploding wires as opposed to what happens in typical P&F
> aqueous electrolytic cells). So, a
> baffled Bethe called Einstein on the telephone and asked him to help
> PhD candidate Sternglass evaluate
> his unexpected experimental results. The attached chapter taken from
> Sternglass' book relates that story.
> What is truly mind boggling about this tale is that Einstein simply
> looked at Sternglass' data and then
> immediately realized that the observed neutron production must involve
> some sort of many-body
> collective effects with electrons (which we utilize with great
> explanatory power in our theory of LENRs).
> Can you believe it --- what a mind Einstein had ---- even at that late
> stage in his life!  At that point (1951),
> very few physicists really had any idea of what collective effects
> were about. Well, Einstein surely did.
> Unfortunately, Ernest's bizarre experimental discovery was simply not
> pursued any further. In the end,
> Sternglass didn't heed Einstein's (and Bethe's) strong advice to "be
> stubborn" and publish the deeply
> anomalous results. Sternglass' experiments were subsequently lost and
> largely forgotten by other
> physicists in the ensuing years, just like the work of chemists Wendt
> and Irion at the University of Chicago
> back in 1922 and other related transmutation work published in
> refereed journals circa 1900 - 1927.
> Einstein, the only contemporary scientist who had any real inkling of
> what might be happening in
> Sternglass' puzzling experiments, died just four years after his
> interaction with Sternglass on the
> unexplained neutron fluxes.
> The only surviving document wherein these intriguing experimental
> results were ever mentioned was
> Sternglass' little book published many years later in 1997. In 2006, I
> stumbled across a copy of it in the
> $2.99 discount section at Border's bookstore and, curious, just for
> kicks picked it up to read over the
> weekend. After reading an amazing chapter (see scanned pages), I
> immediately called my theoretical
> collaborators and said, "You guys won't believe what I just found."
> They were equally amazed.
> We plan to specifically discuss and explain the 1951
> Sternglass/Bethe/Einstein saga in an upcoming
> paper; it appears that this experimental anomaly is just another
> aspect of LENRs. Perhaps now, after
> remaining in obscurity for 60 years, there can finally be some
> conceptual closure on Sternglass’ long-lost,
> unpublished experimental results.
> Full article
> http://newenergytimes.com/v2/sr/WL/slides/20111125LatticeEnergyDoc.pdf

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