Blaze Spinnaker <> wrote:

Impressive.   Looks like Elforsk has decided that the May report has some
> merit.

As noted they already said that in the previous press release: "The
measurements show that the catalyst gives substantially more energy than
can be explained by ordinary chemical reactions." I doubt they would have
approved the Levi paper acknowledgement for publication if they did not
think it has merit. (I mean they would have asked Levi et al. to remove
their name from the paper.) Organizations such as ELFORSK and EPRI are
careful about what they endorse.

> This is definitely an event which increases the probability of what Rossi
> is doing will work.

You mean this increases your confidence that what Rossi is doing will work.
The actual likelihood that it will work depends on physics, and on Rossi's

I agree this boosts Rossi's credibility. The actual EFORSK report was a
bigger boost, but this helps. I look forward to the overview in this
month's edition of the "Perspectives." This is good for cold fusion.

- Jed

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