There are several possibilities for the UV, Lou - and your hat is now in the
ring along with Randy Mills and a few others. 

Cleary EUV and soft x-rays are involved. Clearly the values are not falling
into the expected Rydberg levels. One value that stands out in this study is
the 19.29 nm wavelength. It should be 22.8 nm for Mills - and the excuse
given does not ring true. There could be some kind of cut-off but I'm not
buying it - simply because the graph would not be so spiked.

I'm glad to see any well-considered suggestions to explain it. My suggestion
is far-out as well (92 million miles out) but many heard have heard it
before and it is definitely a minority viewpoint. (so I take every
opportunity to "radiate it").

Curiously 19.3 nm is a value that turns up often in solar astronomy.

There could be one or more mundane explanations for this. In the paper
above, the detector was designed to look for this value, but for a good
reason. The the sun was photographed in ultraviolet light at a wavelength of
19.3 nanometers - 25 times shorter than wavelengths of visible light -
simply because it is characteristic of solar energy. That wavelength is
blocked by Earth's atmosphere, so to observe it astronomers must get above
the atmosphere. 

To cut to the chase - this mass-energy value, 19.3 nm, appears to be the
expected energy release from solar RPF. 

Solar RPF is a theory of "reversible proton fusion". It is also known as the
diproton reaction. But make no mistake - the so-called "diproton" is helium
and NOT hydrogen, even though its lifetime is extremely short.

For every instance of real fusion on the sun there are about 10^20 instances
of transient diprotons, which are fusing for a few femtoseconds and then
reversing back to protons. This instant reversibility is due basically to
the Pauli exclusion principle. However, due the short instant of binding
there are energetic QCD color changes which take place in the six quarks.

In short, at least in this RPF hypothesis, nickel-hydrogen gain on earth, is
based on the solar model of RPF and the relevant emission is EUV at 19.3 nm
and not Mills' Rydberg value.

-----Original Message-----


A good find.

I have only read it quickly, but maybe a simpler explanation suffices.

Anomalous 'continuum' emissions occur only in proportion to hydrogen
present.  This leads me to conjecture that:

Elliptical Rydberg H-atoms form and ionize, creating fairly intense (mixed
e-p) current filaments, along with (in the lab frame) a strong magnetic
vector potential ('A-field') pointing in the plasma flow direction.

Some of the ionizing e-p pairs form transient, non-stationary colliding
waveforms trapped in their own embracing coulomb potentials.
(Several QM texts cover the math of transient coulomb collisions.)

As the e-p collide, they slow dramatically.  In their collision frame
the vector potential (A-field) suddenly shrinks, donating it's field
energy to the collision (to obey momentum conservation.)

By conventional physics (see Feynman ref[1] below), this must force e-p
wave function into highly localized, high kinetic energy, compressed
pairs - "compressive" collisions similar to colliding rubber balls, as
opposed to colliding billiards.

When the proton recaptures the electron, returning to a stationary state,
the K.E. borrowed from the A-field is radiated and observed.

The author rules out both bremsstrahlung and recombination.
My conjecture combines counter-intuitive elements of both.
If it's correct, no exothermic LENR occurs, but still a valuable experiment.

 -- Lou Pagnucco

[1] Feynman Lectures, v3, ch21, "Schrodinger's equation in a magnetic field"

Pertinent extract (p.21-5) -
"But remember what happens electrically when I suddenly turn on a flux.
During the short time that the flux is rising, there's an electric field
generated whose line integral is the rate of change of the flux with time:

   E = - dA/dt    (21.16)

That electric field is enormous if the flux is changing rapidly, and it
gives a force on the particle.  The force is the charge times the electric
field, and so during the build up of the flux the particle obtains a total
impulse (that is, a change in mv) equal to -qA.  In other words, if you
suddenly turn on a vector potential at a charge, this charge immediately
picks up an 'mv' momentum equal to -qA."

Jones Beene wrote:
> This paper was mentioned 18 months ago on vortex - but has almost been
> ignored by the LENR community since then ... possibly due to some kind of
> absurd jealousy over anything "Millsean" ... i.e. from Randell Mills
> Forget Randy - Read this paper in the context in Rossi-type LENR - instead
> of Mills.
> Pay close attention to detains in the nanometer geometry ! In my opinion
> this paper supports LENR, instead of Mills! Look at those spikes on the
> charts- clearly much more energy than chemical.
> In fact the details actually seem to go against some of Mills
> pronouncements
> - and consequently they can be read as confirming LENR - but in a
> non-exactly "nuclear".
> Maybe you can call it "quasi-nuclear" instead of "supra-chemical" but this
> paper may be the very best and most informative thing out there to bolster
> a
> variety of  LENR... while shifting the emphasis away from BLP and away
> from
> Jones

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