Perhaps this thread has deeper meanings then anyone realizes. I have been 
dealing with certain observations for a while and digesting them. Putting them 
in a format for observation. Trying to understand things that seem to have 
little or no meaning. Then later they seem to have greater meaning. An 
inductive pursuit? Yes indeed. Words can have two meanings. I will make more 
comments later. Just to appear totally insane let us suppose God is the source 
of vibrations. We put up certain instruments to detect these vibrations. But 
our instruments give us different answers. Which is the correct answer and why 
does that happen? I shouldn't be posting about this right now so I will retire 
until I can make my case. HDN

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances

On Monday, December 2, 2013 10:38 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> 
What is amazing to me is that it’s OBVIOUSly an inductive pursuit 
right now to figure out LENR, otherwise WE WOULD BE BUYING THEM. But 
skeptopaths  come onto inductive threads like this and act like their  post is 
the end-all, be-all that answers all questions: I’ll 
believe it when I can buy it. It simply adds ZERO substance to the 
investigation. It is a form of trolling, because you add in all kinds of snarky 
comments along the way.
Do you log onto other inductive threads the same way? Do you DEMAND 
to know who’s going to win the 2014 elections? Do you log onto those 
threads and say, “I’ll deal with this guy when he’s president, until 
then you all are all just wasting your time.” No. Because such behavior 
is obvious trolling. And if you DID post such nonsense, everyone would 
know you are a fool. But here, you act like your foolishness is some 
kind of virtue.
It’s totally ridiculous. You can’t even answer one simple question 
about an established scientific fact in the number of times this effect 
has been replicated. You are a FOOL. And you can’t even see it.

62 posted on Mon 02 Dec 2013 07:07:40 PM PST by Kevmo 

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

don’t know if these claims are ‘real’, I haven’t seen the
device, nor personally ‘tested’ it.
>***Raising the bar for
cold fusion, lowering it for other things like hot fusion. You
haven’t seen nor tested a huge range of scientific findings, but
you aren’t engaged in hypercriticism of those developments. By such
a standard you should be absolutely apoplectic over AGW
>When I can buy a $289 Cold-Fusion Water Heater, I'll believe it.  (Or various 
>versions of technology).  
>***Raising the bar for
cold fusion, lowering it for other things like hot fusion. Where is our 
hot-fusion flying car or jet pack?  Why is controlled hot-fusion always 50 
years away, and has been for the last 50 years?  

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