Here is the Patent application title: HIGH VELOCITY DROPLET IMPACTS
Inventors:  Yiannis Ventikos (Oxford, GB)  Nicholas Hawker (Oxford, GB)
Class name: Induced nuclear reactions: processes, systems, and elements
nuclear fusion including accelerating particles into a stationary or static

-----Original Message-----
From: Nigel Dyer 

Has anybody come across a company called Oxyntix, a spin off company 
from Oxford University

The website is very sparten, but it does include a sentence with a 
familiar ring to it:

"A core technology we are promoting involves generation of extremely 
high temperatures, pressures and densities originating from fully 
controlled, optimised and scalable bubble collapse processes".   One of 
the few press releases also has a familiar ring: " This technology has 
numerous potential applications, notably in nuclear fusion power 
generation and ...."


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