Eric, your point is well taken. Very little IP can now be patented and defended. The ideas have either been described in rejected patents or they have been described in public. Any attempts made now to get a patent would only make the lawyers rich. Most of the patents presently granted also have very limited value, other than as comfort food.

The important patent will result from correctly understanding the mechanism and applying it in the most effect way. The resulting recipe will be so good that no other improvement would be possible. Right now all the recipes are so poor, they could easily be improved, thereby making them irrelevant. The game can still be won, but not by the way it is presently being played.

Ed Storms
On Jan 25, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Eric Walker wrote:

On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 4:37 AM, Nigel Dyer <> wrote:

I tend to go to the mail archive site to search for historical postings

which seems to allow seqrches of the last 10 years of the list

This list goes back to 1996 or so -- it would be nice if all those messages were readily available so as to give a cold sweat to any patent attorneys (I don't know if they actually would, but it's a fun thought).


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