On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 12:16 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

  Axil,  you have offered an idea for a mechanism that might allow coupling
> between a locally large magnetic field and nearby fusion events.  I remain
> skeptical of this type of effect but I want to understand how it operates
> according to your concept.
> I have a few questions for you to review that might help me to determine
> how your idea fits into typical LENR systems.
> First of all, is what you are describing real?


> Has anyone actually determined a way to connect instrumentation that
> proves that a half soliton of polaritons exist in nickel?

DGT must have do so and I suspect will do a whole lot more. Rossi too if I
don't miss my guess.

> Where do these particles reside when they are functioning?

I belevive these are the NAE in LENR and the "hot spots" in Nanoplasmonics,
Solitons form between nano-particles of hydrogen an other elements.

> Are they surface effects or captured within nano particles, etc.?

Solitons form in topological defects, where dipole vibration is interrupted
by a break in the lattice. The break forces the electrons to form a
whirlpool due to the extreme curvature in the lattice break. Any defect in
a lattice will cause whirlpool formation.

> How physically large would one be?

About a nanometer in diameter more or less.

> Are they nano sized?

These plasmoids can combine together. In the LeClair system they grow very
large and powerful when many small plasmoids(aka solitons) combine together
because in liquid they are not pinned by a defect so they can move around.

> How long does a typical one exist within the environment?

The Phys.org article I reference yesterday states that they last a very
long time.

> Can they exist at 1000 degrees C?

Yes, and far higher.

> Do they emit a magnetic field that extends beyond their local area?

LeClair said the he found them making marks in his walls and trees outside
his lab. That says they can be mobile. Photon-21 states that they found
them a long way from the spark discharge.

> Is the magnetic field steady and of a DC nature?


> Last evening you implied this was true, but I want to ensure that I
> understood you correctly.

Yes, again.

> Do they move around in space or are they trapped in one location?

See above.

> You mentioned that they behaved like a bar magnetic, does that suggest
> that they have a bipolar field as one might expect?

Half solitons have only one pole; either north or south but not both.

> How does the soliton encourage fusion to occur?

The magnetic field screens fermion charge like happens in the fractional
quantum hall effect,

> What type of fusion do you anticipate when enhanced by this mechanism?

Fusion of many nuclei into one new one; Mostly protons pairs into a large Z
element like nickel.

> When fusion within a coupled area occurs, why does the field of your
> assumed particle increase?
> The soliton converts gamma energy into more magnetic field strength in a
positive feedback loop.

> There are many more questions that will arise if we are to understand how
> your particles operate in conjunction with a real LENR system.    The ball
> is in your court to make your case since I remain skeptical of the reality
> of the process.
> Now would be a great time for anyone else with knowledge of what Axil is
> proposing to assist.  And Axil, how confident are you in what you are
> describing?

By the way, solitons as monopoles are the hottest thing in particle physics
because they support the duality of EMF. This is important for S-duality
( super-symmetric  particle physics)


*Theory of Magnetic Monopoles and Electric-Magnetic Duality:A Prelude to

This is why there is so much breaking theory from new research on these
monopoles. They are also very hot in quantum optics to support optical
communication in glass fiber..


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