KEvin, this is almost 9 year old article.  It's well covered on Wikipedia.
 They're using Pyroelectric crystals and call it Pyroelectric fusion.

THe finnish patent recommends using pyroeltric crystals as a catalyst /
particle accelerator to increase the energy gain with LENR.  It's an
interesting idea.

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:40 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> This is Crystal Fusion.  I don't see how it qualifies as Pyroelectric
> fusion.  There could be a clue to how fusion takes place in Condensed
> Matter, and that could forward our understanding of the Condensed Matter
> LENR reaction taking place inside Nickel or Palladium.
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Blaze Spinnaker <
> > wrote:
>> Pyroelectric fusion, old news.  Though elements of it are used in the
>> finnish patent.
>> On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>wrote:
>>> Coming in out of the cold: nuclear fusion, for real
>>> By Michelle Thaller, / June 6, 2005
>>> For the last few years, mentioning cold fusion around scientists (myself
>>> included) has been a little like mentioning Bigfoot or UFO sightings.
>>> After the 1989 announcement of fusion in a bottle, so to speak, and the
>>> subsequent retraction, the whole idea of cold fusion seemed a bit beyond
>>> the pale. But that's all about to change.
>>> A very reputable, very careful group of scientists at the University of
>>> California at Los Angeles (Brian Naranjo, Jim Gimzewski, Seth Putterman)
>>> has initiated a fusion reaction using a laboratory device that's not much
>>> bigger than a breadbox, and works at roughly room temperature. This time,
>>> it looks like the real thing. [Editor's note: The original version misnamed
>>> the scientists' institution.]
>>> Before going into their specific experiment, it's probably a good idea
>>> to define exactly what nuclear fusion is, and why we're so interested in
>>> understanding the process. This also gives me an excuse to talk about how
>>> things work deep inside the nuclei of atoms, a topic near and dear to most
>>> astronomers (more on that later).
>>> Simply put, nuclear fusion means ramming protons and neutrons together
>>> so hard that they stick, and form a single, larger nucleus. When this
>>> happens with small nuclei (like hydrogen, which has only one proton or
>>> helium, which has two), you get a lot of energy out of the reaction. This
>>> specific reaction, fusing two hydrogen nuclei together to get helium,
>>> famously powers our sun (good), as well as hydrogen bombs (bad).
>>> Fusion is a tremendous source of energy; the reason we're not using it
>>> to meet our everyday energy needs is that it's very hard to get a fusion
>>> reaction going. The reason is simple: protons don't want to get close to
>>> other protons.
>>> Do you remember learning about electricity in high school? I sure do - I
>>> dreaded it whenever that topic came around. I had a series of well-meaning
>>> science teachers that thought it would be fun for everyone to hold hands
>>> and feel a mild electric shock pass their arms. Every time my fists
>>> clenched and jerked and I had nothing consciously do with it, my stomach
>>> turned.
>>> In addition, I have long, fine hair, and was often made a victim of the
>>> Van de Graf generator - the little metal ball with a rubber belt inside it
>>> that creates enough static electricity to make your hair stand on end.
>>> Yeesh.
>>> Anyway, hopefully you remember the lesson that two objects having
>>> different electrical charges (positive and negative) attract one another,
>>> while those with the same charge repel. It's a basic law of electricity,
>>> and it definitely holds true when two protons try to get close together.
>>> Protons have positive charges, and they repel each other. Somehow, in order
>>> for fusion to work, you've got to overcome this repulsive electrical force
>>> and get the things to stick together.
>>> Here's where an amazing and mysterious force comes in that, although we
>>> don't think about it in our day-to-day lives, literally holds our matter
>>> together. There are four universal forces of nature, two of which you're
>>> probably familiar with: gravity and electromagnetism.
>>> But there are two other forces that really only come in to play inside
>>> atomic nuclei: the strong and weak nuclear forces (and yes, the strong
>>> force is the stronger of the two, the weak is weaker. Scientists really
>>> have a way with names, dont they?) I'm going to focus on the strong force,
>>> as that's the one responsible for nuclear fusion.
>>> The strong force is an attractive force between protons and neutrons -
>>> it wants to stick them together. If the strong force had its way, the
>>> entire universe would be one big super-dense ball of protons and neutrons,
>>> one big atomic nucleus, in fact.
>>> Fortunately, the strong force only becomes strong at very small scales:
>>> about one millionth billionth of a meter. Yes, that's 0.000000000000001
>>> meters. Any farther away, and the strong force loses its grip. But if you
>>> can get protons and neutrons that close together, the strong force becomes
>>> stronger than any other force in nature, including electricity.
>>> That's important- all protons have the same charge, so they'd like to
>>> fly away from each other. But if you can get them close together, inside
>>> the volume of an atomic nucleus, the strong force will bind them together.
>>> The whole trick with fusion is you've got to get protons close enough
>>> together for the strong force to overcome their electrical repulsion and
>>> merge them together into a nucleus. The sun does this pretty much by brute
>>> force. The sun has over 300,000 times the mass of the Earth, which means
>>> there's a lot of gravity weighing down on its core.
>>> That pressure gets the sun's internal temperature up to several millions
>>> of degrees, which means that particles inside the sun's core are flying
>>> around at huge velocities. Everything is moving around so fast that protons
>>> sometimes get slammed together before their charges have a chance to repel.
>>> The strong force takes hold, and a new atom (helium) is born.
>>> In this process, some of the mass of the protons is converted into
>>> energy, powering the sun and producing the light that will eventually reach
>>> the Earth as sunlight.
>>> Scientists have gotten fusion to occur in the laboratory before, but for
>>> the most part, they've tried to mimic conditions inside the sun by whipping
>>> hydrogen gas up to extreme temperatures or slamming atoms together in
>>> particle accelerators. Both of those options require huge energies and
>>> gigantic equipment, not the sort of stuff easily available to build a
>>> generator. Is there any way of getting protons close enough together for
>>> fusion to occur that doesnt require the energy output of a large city to
>>> make it happen?
>>> The answer, it turns out, is yes.
>>> Instead of using high temperatures and incredible densities to ram
>>> protons together, the scientists at UCLA cleverly used the structure of an
>>> unusual crystal.
>>> Crystals are fascinating things; the atoms inside are all lined up in a
>>> tightly ordered lattice, which creates the beautiful structure we associate
>>> with crystals. Sometimes those orderly atoms create neat side-effects, like
>>> piezoelectricity, which is the effect of creating an electrical charge in a
>>> crystal by compressing it. Stressing the bonds between the atoms of some
>>> crystals causes electrons to build up on one side, creating a charge
>>> difference over the body of the crystal. Other crystals do this when you
>>> heat or cool them; these are called pyroelectric crystals.
>>> The new cold fusion experiment went something like this: scientists
>>> inserted a small pyroelectric crystal (lithium tantalite) inside a chamber
>>> filled with hydrogen. Warming the crystal by about 100 degrees (from -30 F
>>> to 45F) produced a huge electrical field of about 100,000 volts across the
>>> small crystal.
>>> The tip of a metal wire was inserted near the crystal, which
>>> concentrated the charge to a single, powerful point. Remember, hydrogen
>>> nuclei have a positive charge, so they feel the force of an electric field,
>>> and this one packed quite a wallop! The huge electric field sent the nuclei
>>> careening away, smacking into other hydrogen nuclei on their way out.
>>> Instead of using intense heat or pressure to get nuclei close enough
>>> together to fuse, this new experiment used a very powerful electric field
>>> to slam atoms together.
>>> Unlike some previous claims of room-temperature fusion, this one makes
>>> intuitive sense: its just another way to get atoms close enough together
>>> for the strong force to take over and do the rest. Once the reaction got
>>> going, the scientists observed not only the production of helium nuclei,
>>> but other tell-tale signs of fusion such as free neutrons and high energy
>>> radiation.
>>> This experiment has been repeated successfully and other scientists have
>>> reviewed the results: it looks like the real thing this time.
>>> For the time being, don't expect fusion to become a readily available
>>> energy option. The current cold fusion apparatus still takes much more
>>> energy to start up than you get back out, and it may never end up breaking
>>> even. In the mean time, the crystal-fusion device might be used as a
>>> compact source of neutrons and X-rays, something that could turn out to be
>>> useful making small scanning machines. But it really may not be long until
>>> we have the first nuclear fusion-powered devices in common use.
>>> So cold fusion is back, perhaps to stay. After many fits and starts, its
>>> finally time for everyday fusion to come in out of the cold.

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