-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook 

Jones--nice work--

This is not to much different from my original guess as to the reaction of
d-d in Pd matrix.  Only I guessed the resulting He nucleus was excited in a
high spin state and fractioned the energy by spin coupling to the other
particles in the system.


I agree that the two are very similar except for one big detail. Spin
coupling is a major part of the picture, and we should strive to firm up the
details wrt the Lamb Shift. For instance, when we have protons and a
ferromagnet (nickel) together, can the two elements spin-couple to
continually power an asymmetric Lamb shift with nothing else (like real
fusion) or does the mass-loss have to derive from a more dramatic event? 

The problem with D+D going all the way to fusion to helium in LENR as the
main source of gain is that the resultant energy quantum is so very large -
that an excited spin state cannot be relied on to give that energy up in
very small fractions - at least not every time with few exceptions. 

Even if this worked 99 times out of 100 there would be more than enough
deadly gamma radiation, in the times it did not downshift completely - to be
problematic in a kW level device. Leakage will happen.

> I did not know about quantum gravity ideas nor the Lamb shift.

This is actually the first time it has all come together in a succinct
package with the diproton reaction, and with a large bit of mainstream
literature backing, in the relevant details.

The Lamb shift is usually not considered relevant to LENR since the energy
value is low per instance. I do not think that many theorists have reasoned
that a "ringing-Lamb-shift" which is happening at THz frequency is a
different beast. Names that turn up in a Google search for past advocacy are
Biberian and Myron Evans.


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