ChemE Stewart <> wrote:

That is not brightsource high pressure 1500 psig, Home Depot mirrors . . .

Would you please stop saying "Home Depot mirrors." This is technically
inaccurate and disrespectful. You know darn well these are high-tech,
carefully engineered mirrors, nothing like a retail consumer mirror. Do not
make a mockery of this discussion.

If you have a valid technical point to make, make it without insulting me,
or Google, or the engineers who designed the heliostats. Just because you
do not think there is a future to their technology, that does not mean you
have right to declare it slapdash, or unsound, or not carefully planned
with good craftsmanship. Even if this turns out to be obsolete, like the
airships of the 1930s, it is still an engineering triumph -- as the
airships were.

- Jed

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