Just an FYI.


I like to share with the Collective articles which I find helpful in
building up a physical model of the atomic world.  This is one such article.
Some may remember one of my fav comments, "It's all about resonances.".
AKA, coherence.   This article should help the reader think about the
complexity of interactions at the atomic scale and how the various
'oscillators' are affected by things like electric and magnetic fields, or
quanta of heat, or the collective oscillations of conduction electrons, etc.
Just the orientation of the E or B field could mean the difference between a
successful experiment and a dud.


How to 'Detune' a Molecule

olecule> 'detune'-molecule

An excerpt from the article is below.


Don't have time to explain all that comes to mind about this topic, suffice
it to say that some 'experts' can't seem to realize that the laws of
physics/chemistry have been developed primarily from 'BULK' behaviors, which
do NOT involve coherency between the different 'oscillators' which make up
the bulk.  This is not surprising, since coherency is virtually nonexistent
in solids once one gets above a few K in temperature.


Localized regions where any form of coherency is established will very
likely break well established laws of physics/chemistry.  NAEs certainly
could provide just such localized regions.  As was established in one thread
of mine, the NAE may very well provide an environment which is at 0K, so any
atoms which find themselves in a NAE would very likely  form a BEC.  One of
the keys to understanding LENR will be in understanding coherency. and the
new/revised laws which apply in those situations.





Natelson compared the characteristic vibrational frequencies exhibited by
the bonds to the way a guitar string vibrates at a specific frequency based
on how tightly it's wound. Loosen the string and the vibration diminishes
and the tone drops.


The nanoantenna is able to detect the "tone" of detuned vibrations between
atoms through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), a technique that
improves the readings from molecules when they're attached to a metal
surface. Isolating a buckyball in the gap between the gold electrodes lets
the researchers track vibrations through the optical response seen via SERS.


When a buckyball attaches to a gold surface, its internal bonds undergo a
subtle shift as electrons at the junction rearrange themselves to find their
lowest energetic states. The Rice experiment found the vibrations in all the
bonds dropped ever so slightly in frequency to compensate.


"Think of these molecules as balls and springs," Natelson says. "The atoms
are the balls and the bonds that hold them together are the springs. If I
have a collection of balls and springs and I smack it, it would show certain
vibrational modes. When we push current through the molecule, we see these
vibrations turn on and start to shake. But we found, surprisingly, that the
vibrations in buckyballs get softer, and by a significant amount. It's as if
the springs get floppier at high voltages in this particular system." The
effect is reversible; turn off the juice and the buckyball goes back to
normal, he says.


The researchers used a combination of experimentation and sophisticated
theoretical calculations to disprove an early suspicion that the well-known
vibrational Stark effect was responsible for the shift. The Stark effect is
seen when molecules' spectral responses shift under the influence of an
electric field. The Molecular Foundry, a Department of Energy User Facility
at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, collaborated on the calculations




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