On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:00 PM, OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
<orionwo...@charter.net> wrote:
> May you enjoy the following momentary distraction...

I'm happy you found your problem.  You may ignore my private email.
Eskimo.com has all new hardware and some new software and you likely
collided with a firewall of sorts.

But you missed the tree.

BTW, did you follow to the website? ( wearethefuture.com )  It
ultimately leads to upriser.com .  Looks like a site you would enjoy.

The discovery about superposition used by plants to increase
efficiency is a fairly recent one.  I think we spoke of it here.
http://goo.gl/Wx5ubB  Watching that reminded me of a link between
superposition and string theory that I stumbled across in my formative
years while under the influence of schedule x pharms.

I was trying to resolve in my own mind how it was possible for freedom
of choice and predestination to co-exist in reality.  It came to me
that there must be an infinite number of realities and when the cusp
of choice arrived we did the so popular quantum jump to that reality.
But another me, which I was not with at the time, stayed in his
reality.  This is a form of superposition.  And it ties in with what
Susskind describes in The Cosmic Landscape.  There must be 10^500
universes out there and we are simply riding the wave.

Hey, thanks for sharing.  Made my day.

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