-----Original Message-----

Video - well worth watching even if it is from Faux News... (no one else
would air it)


Retired Air Force General Thomas McInerney isn't backing away from his prior
assertion (and the Coen-head thriller screenplay suggestion) that the
missing Malaysian Airlines flight has landed in Pakistan - and he says his
theory is based on more than mere conjecture.

In fact, he implies that Boeing knows that it landed in Pakistan... which...
it should be noted ... does not mean that it did not stop somewhere else
fist, even if it did land in Pakistan later.

Yet, the Aussies say there is passenger plane debris in the South Indian
Ocean. And yes that will be confirmed today.

Of course, all of this is in the screenplay already. The 777 first land in
Diego Garcia to refuel, repaint, remove the contraband cargo headed for
China, transfer the bodies and luggage to another airplane and continue on
to Pakistan.

Then the corpses and luggage were placed aboard a derelict military
reconnaissance plane, on a one-way mission to the South Indian Ocean.

The only problem will be that some of the second plane did not sink as
planned, so the Malaysian victims and luggage will turn up, along with
airplane parts from a different airplane.

Of course the explanation will then be hastily concocted that this airplane
was a spotter-plane which had been sent from Diego Garcia to help find the
passenger plane ... 

ACT III to follow...

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