On Sat, Apr 5, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

China looks at this technology as a great success of State
> sponsorship, where an efficient enterprise is doing something that no
> capitalist in the USA has accomplished and is making both a huge profit and
> saving the economy billions by reduced reliance on OPEC oil.

Over the next 40 years, China will save the capitalists from themselves, by
offering genuine competition to their regulatory capturing, crony version
of capitalism.  China will do as was done in Singapore and develop a
well-oiled, heavily socially engineered machine that is both efficient and
slightly repugnant to Western sensibilities.  Where US defense contractors
will require 1 billion dollars to produce a new military system, the
Chinese defense establishment will do something a little pared down and
less ostentatious, but still quite effective, with 20 million dollars.  As
this happens, we will all collectively come to disdain prevailing
superstition about efficient markets and start to look for more practical
ways of allocating capital for large endeavors.  (It's the big efforts that
seem to pose a challenge for the US version of capitalism; I get the sense
that commodity markets are already fairly efficient.)


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