Thank you for the link.
Not having the full understanding of nuclear physics, QM, chemistry etc.
this video made a lot of sense.
A combination of the findings between many people and the inside reports a
la Mats Lewan will bring the technology forward.
There is still a need for a few ingredients to make this soup taste well.
1. Progress requires a structure to work within. I think very simple
organizations with minimum overhead but contribution from all disciplines
(Leadership, marketing, engineering etc.) is required.
2. The debate must not be personal. I.E. the discussion about Jed
Rothwell's character (ugly). (In my opinion Jed brought up a genuine reason
to disbelieve the business qualities of DFK. The only thing that would
mitigate that would be examples of the opposite behavior from DFK.) We need
to accept different opinions and wait to attack them until new /
invalidating information is available to deny them having a chance to be
correct. Why take a firm stance. It does not pay and it does not solve
anything. All it does is to make one look stupid when ones firm statement
was wrong. Regarding LENR I think it is entering a 'vortex' situation and
in the bottom of that spiral a reasonable explanation will appear. A finite
number of ideas are on the table and an approach trying to eliminate the
differences is under way. I hope the COP is great enough.
3. An openness to share information. Dr. Ahem gave a lot of information and
I think Dr. Storms did as well (he is missed here). Most of the information
shared will not impact the result either from an academical or business
point of view. It is not a zero sum game. If some one is spinning his
wheels searching for answers already available it does not propel LENR
forward (the opposite obviously) and it does not give advantages to the one
with the know how, all it does it depletes available funds (which are
considered the biggest obstacle) faster.
I do recommend the video.

It brings a lot of ideas forward without condemning other ideas, critic
them yes but not ridicule them.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
6140 Horseshoe Bar Road Suite G, Loomis CA 95650

"Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort." PJM

On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 5:48 AM, a.ashfield <> wrote:

>  Interesting comments about the magical range of 3 -12 nm particles & the
> importance of magnetism.
> See the linked video in the piece.

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