The only problem is that Asimov was not looking at positrons (or the Dirac sea) 
as an energy source - AFAIK. 

In fact it was a MacGuffin.

Does anyone remember who first proposed this for LENR?

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Cook 

I agree.  That pins it as not nuclear and not chemical.  A different kind of 

Do you think the fission guys and fusion guys would agree with its reality any 
more than, if it were fission or fusion as they want to consider those terms?  
That's probably why they do not mention Dirac's sea very often, even  though he 
was instrumental in developing quantum mechanics?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Terry Blanton" 

> Or maybe we should give credit where it is due and call it "Positronic
> Energy", a la Asimov.

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