Here is more info from Revolution Green web site.

"Konstantine Balakiryan, PhD, is a founder and CEO at Solar Hydrogen Trends
Inc. As a chief scientist he is the driving force behind the 7 models of
the hydrogen reactor. Konstantine was a Professor and head of physics,
chemistry and mathematics department at the Russian University of
Friendship (Moscow). He received his Master Degree in Physics from Moscow
Lomonosov University and PhD in Physics from Russian Academy of Science."

I had the following letter forwarded to me and asked if it could be
included in the story

Dear Colleagues,

I am closely following all the discussions  on multiple forums.

I really like your judgments and their proximity to understanding the
processes that occur in reality in the hydrogen reactor “Symphony 7A”.

Unfortunately, according to the existing ethics in the scientific
community, the authors are not encouraged to discuss about any research
results with the media before they are published in scientific journals.

However, in order for you to understand what a great discovery  GOD gave to
us all please try to find answers in the following questions:

1. If the working substance in the reactor is water, how come the output is
almost only hydrogen ?

2. After splitting water where do molecules of oxygen disappear?

3. What role in stunning efficiency of “Symphony 7A” plays a collective
excitation of nucleons in the nuclei of atoms of oxygen?

4. Is it possible at a rate of 0.5 kW energy hour and at operating
temperature 60 degrees centigrade, to have a nuclear fission and fusion?

5 . To produce 1kg of hydrogen it is necessary to split 9 liters of water,
then how or in what way in this hydrogen reactor “Symphony 7A”, it takes
only 1 liter?


Konstantin Balakiryan

PhD, Professor

This explanation does sound very simplistic.

On Sat, May 3, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>    *From:* Steve High
> Yes, look at how little oxygen is present in the exhaust gas, verified by
> a "reputable" testing company. I'm assuming that this ain't
> hydrolysis-wouldn't hydrolysis give you roughly one third oxygen? Listen to
> the interview if you have the time. The inventor appears to be blithely
> suggesting that there is wholesale conversion of oxygen to hydrogen taking
> place in there. Huh what?
> It gets worse, the closer one looks, or should I say “more humorous”. This
> is science by PR release and hucksterism … not that MIT does not do the
> same thing, on occasion.
> In fact some of MIT’s more notorious escapades – which are the many
> overhyped but failed hydrogen inventions of Prof. Dan Nocera, are but a
> slight improvement. At least Nocera is arguably honest, at some base level,
> but in the case of SHT, there is doubt about true intentions. In both case$
> the goal is the $ame.
> I happened to be in the vicinity of Solar Hydrogen’s Menlo Park address
> the other day (it is next door to SRI) so I stopped in to have  a look. It
> turns out that they actually have no corporate office nor lab at all !  …
> bizarre - the address listed on all of their PR releases is that of a Law
> Office… and one that would not acknowledge at first that SHT is even a
> client !
> Aggressively promoting this kind of “energy miracle” crap makes everyone
> in alternative-energy look bad (even more so when they blindly accept it).
> But then again, with Nocera/MIT as your model, this kind of science by PR
> release is becoming standard operating procedure.

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