If you remember, John H said that in the !CCF-18 demo, the output
of reactor was steam but was reckoned as if it was 212 degree water to
establish a minimum COP level.

Is this what is bothering you (Jed) now?

It might have been better if DGT used a collapsible 1000 gallon solar water
tank as a heat sink where a simple water temperature measurement of the
water in that tank would reflect the heat generation of the reactor. Keep
it simple. But I know little about these matters of boiling water.

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This interviewed and Gamberelli are related.
> I do not see any relevance. Anyway, Defkalion president Xanthoulis is not
> related to either of these people, and he stated clearly that the flow rate
> was wrong and the flow calorimetry was wrong. If you do not believe the
> president of Defkalion, who do you believe? How much better proof do you
> want?
> If you are waiting for Hadjichristos to make a clear statement, you wait
> in vain. He has never said anything clearly about anything. If it were
> pouring rain outside he would insist there is bright sunlight, because
> somewhere in the world the sky is blue.
> - Jed

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