It is less ambitious than your supposed 35% probability that "Rossi is
real".  If you had been reading your own thread, you'd know why.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:23 PM, Blaze Spinnaker

> This is a very ambitious theory.
> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 8:33 PM, Kevin O'Malley <>wrote:
>> Here is the message Rossi is sending:
>> He is about to get swamped by media inquiries, interviews, accolades, and
>> hints on stock tips.  He is repaying some of the help he has received from
>> others in the past.  Hydrofusion is one of his friends to whom he is
>> indebted.  When the report comes out, and NASA follows it up with their
>> assessment, suddenly LENR is real.  Everyone will want a piece of it.  And
>> they'll look for any clues as to where to get in on the action.
>> Hydrofusion will be one of those pieces. So will the stock in CYPW or other
>> Stirling Engine manufacturers.  Coal and oil stocks will plummet.
>>  It is likely that the next stage will include a flat-out demo by
>> Hydrofusion.  We are going in for some heady times similar to when the
>> Wright brothers demo'd their capabilities to an initially unbelieving
>> audience.  Anyone want a cup of Richard Garwin tea?  Only $13.99.
>> On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 4:13 PM, Daniel Rocha <>wrote:
>>> I don't understand what kind of message he would be sending... :S
>>> --
>>> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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