It appears that my X prize proposal wins the popularity contest.

*Thinking Big Is The Easy Part: My Weekend Dreaming Up The Next XPrize*

When a couple of journalists join a bunch of powerful people for a weekend
on the beautiful California coast, tasked with thinking about the biggest
challenges facing humanity, techno-optimism, and visions of cold fusion

On a picture-perfect afternoon at a resort in Ranchos Palos Verdes, a
wealthy Los Angeles suburb, I joined up with three business executives to
come up with a tough question for others to solve.

We brainstormed this challenge: Devise a plan to generate half the food
supply for an entire small city of 500,000 people within a 50-mile radius.
Oh, and make sure the methodology could be transferred to most other
similarly sized cities around the world.

Audacious? Of course. Doable? Over the course of several years, possibly.

This was our idea for the next XPrize, a series of public competitions that
asks entrants to come up with "radical breakthroughs" that solve some of
humanity's biggest challenges, in exchange for multi-million dollar prizes.
Past and current XPrizes have included challenges to land a private craft
on the moon, build a 100-mile-per-gallon car, and create a real tricorder.
Our Self-Sustaining Food Supply XPrize, as we called it, was one of dozens
thought up by some of the smartest and most powerful people in the world at
last weekend's XPrize Visioneering gathering--a weekend of learning from
experts and designing challenges aimed at tackling the major problems that
humanity faces today.

Peter Diamandis, the charming techno-optimist behind the nearly 20-year-old
XPrize Foundation, reminded us several times throughout the weekend that
past XPrizes were influenced by the Visioneering event. But this year, the
stakes were higher than ever: The idea from the winning team would go
straight into the prize pipeline, get its own event for further refinement,
and after proper vetting, possibly become the next big XPrize.

I wanted to win.

A Short History of XPrize

Diamandis, a physician and engineer who once worked in the space technology
industry, launched the X Prize Foundation after reading The Spirit of St.
Louis, an autobiography by Charles Lindbergh detailing the explorer's solo
trans-Atlantic flight in 1927. It was a feat inspired by a prize challenge:
the $25,000 Orteig Prize for the first person to complete a solo
trans-Atlantic flight between New York and Paris. In winning the prize,
Lindbergh helped familiarize the previously alien world of aviation to a
generation of people, and brought us closer to today's aviation industry.
Diamandis was inspired to create his own incentive prizes, starting with

A decade ago, the $10 million Ansari XPrize--the first prize launched by
the foundation--asked teams to build a private spaceship that could carry
three people 100 kilometers above the Earth's surface twice in a two week
period. Some 26 teams entered, spending over $100 million in total. In
2001, SpaceShipOne, designed by aerospace engineer Burt Rutan, won the
competition. Ultimately, the spaceship technology was licensed by Richard
Branson to create the foundation for Virgin Galactic--a move that,
according to XPrize lore, opened up the larger private spaceflight industry.

Today, the XPrize Foundation has awarded prizes for three challenges,
including the Ansari XPrize and a prize to develop a better method of oil
spill cleanup. The four active prizes include the Tricorder XPrize for a
device that can diagnose patients at least as well as a physician, and the
Google Lunar XPrize, for teams to create a rover that can launch and land
on the moon and then transmit video back down to Earth. A number of
prizesare in the pipeline, addressing everything from literacy to

Building A Prize

After a brief session on prize design, the Visioneering weekend
participants were sent off to brainstorm, divided into sections based on
interest. My section on day one, held in an open-air half-dome outfitted
with couches, pillows, and an especially soft shaggy rug, focused on the
challenges facing cities. Paul Romer, the New York University economist who
garnered attention recently for his ideas on charter cities, led a
whirlwind 20-minute talk on how humanity can prepare for the 5 billion new
urban residents who will emerge in the next 100 years.

Romer pointed out that we have the power to shape the many new cities that
will pop up, but there is a limited window of time to do so. "In 100 years,
it will be over. Humans will live forever with the cities we leave them,"
is the somber thought he left us to chew on.

After dividing into small groups and writing themes on post-it notes, it
was time to hone in on prize ideas. We regrouped and split up into teams
based on interest.

My four-person team--Ken Neumann, CEO of Greenscape Ventures; Guy Wolloart,
chief technical and innovation officer at The Coca-Cola Company; Rodrigo
Veloso, founder of O.N.E. Coconut Water; and myself, an editor and writer
for Co.Exist-- initially wanted to create a prize related to water, energy,
food, and economic self-sufficiency in cities. We tossed around ideas for
at least 20 minutes (the team briefly lost its way at one point when a
member suggested that we try to spur the creation of an Ayn Rand-ian
libertarian utopia) before deciding that we needed to hone in one topic
area and come up with a measurable, ultra-focused challenge.

Wolloart's pitch in front of the larger cities group was good enough to
gather the votes needed to make it to the next round of pitching, this time
in front of all the weekend's participants.

But first, we had one more day of visioneering. This time, I chose to
participate in a climate change session led by PopTech executive director
Andrew Zolli. After once again brainstorming themes, I joined another
four-person team that brainstormed an idea fairly quickly for the $5
million Farmer's Almanac 2.0 XPrize: a challenge to come up with a system
that pulls in climate data in real time, aggregates it, provides clear and
actionable information for individuals and businesses, and distributes the
data through existing channels (like real estate websites, for example).
Once again, we made it to the next round.

The Winning Idea

My luck went downhill from there. Neither of my teams won enough votes to
make it to the final round--really, how could we compete with pitches from
personalities like newscaster Pat Kiernan and actress Patricia Arquette?

The final five ideas, selected via text message voting, included a
prizefor getting trace molecules of medication out of the water supply
by Arquette and earthquake scientist Dr. Lucy Jones), a prize for building
a prototype of a long-lasting home that could be constructed for under
$1,000 in less than 24 hours, and a prize for reproducing substantive
energy generation from an entirely new energy source (like cold fusion or
zero-point energy) twice in two weeks.

After participating in a dramatic voting system that involved 3-D printed
poker chips and glowsticks, the winner was declared: The Forbidden Energy
XPrize for generating energy from an entirely new source, like cold fusion
or zero point energy.

Cold fusion is perhaps more fun to think about than existing alternative
energy solutions. But in my opinion, it seems more important in the energy
space to come up with exponentially better battery technologies that can
store energy from existing sources like solar and wind (in fact, XPrize is
thinking about a challenge for building a revolutionary battery). But this
was a popularity contest, and the sexiest-sounding idea took home the

There was a sense permeating the Visioneering weekend that technology can
solve everything--an ideology disparagingly referred to by writer Evgeny
Morozov as "solutionism." It can't solve everything, of course. Who cares
if you build a better affordable home or system for local food production
if the technology can't be evenly distributed? And who says we're even
hunting for solutions to the right problems?

Nonetheless, technology is a major driver of change in human society. And
if even a small percentage of the world's big problems can be solved by
people willing to spend their time and money thinking up challenges and
then joining together to find solutions, all of XPrize's efforts will be
worth it. Plus, visioneering is a whole lot of fun.

Ariel Schwartz

Ariel Schwartz is a Senior Editor at Co.Exist. She has contributed to SF
Weekly, Popular Science, Inhabitat, Greenbiz, NBC Bay Area, GOOD Magazine
and more.

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