The folks up north are apparently a bit peeved over being slimed by their 
local media:

I can imagine that it's a bit unpleasant to find your reputation being trashed 
in this manner by your government-sponsored radio network. The radio message 
was very simple: Rossi is a scam so anyone supporting him is a fool. So they 
decided they didn't feel like waiting for their next report to come out and 
made a bit of a pre-emptive jump at the next stage. The wording in their final 
paragraph is interesting. "Such tests have now been carried out and the results 
will be reported in a new scientific article."
        This is not a statement you would be at all likely to make if you are 
about to publish a report that would undermine your previous report. Especially 
if your reason for making the statement is to fight off accusations that you 
were taken in by a scammer. So what effect does this have on the "Rossi is 
Real" equation we've been hassling over?

Steve High

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