Kevin - just give up - you are saying I said and then you say you
paraphrased. Not much style but what to expect.
Anyone can afford to move from Sweden. However, nobody get lucky from
moving from - only from moving to. Besides they are old enough they have a
life already invested in that oscial environment - and money is not as
important as you think.
My contribution is/ was that I know the Swedish society. It is different
than the US. Just as you and I are different.
I have never pissed on a man's back and I would apologies if did - not try
to say that it is rain. Your idea of paraphrasing I guess.
Ask Martha Stewart if she is happy she decided to take advantage of an
insider tips. Not. She lost way more than if she had kept her stock and
taken the loss. Economically I am quite sure from other perspectives a COP
of 100 times.
Your opinion of humans is rather sad. Try to get in to a leadership
program. Try to get some personal development training it would make you
much happier than to be a negative, suspicious person. I promise you will
send me a thank you letter afterwards. I am sorry but I am not able to help
you - find someone you like.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 10:14 AM, Lennart Thornros <>
> wrote:
>> Kevin if you repeat my statements they at least have to be correct.
> ***I'm not repeating, I'm paraphrasing.
>> I did not say they are incompetent
> ***Then you need to perform a cephalorectomy.  You can't see greed.  You
> can't see incompetence.  It's there for all others to see.
>> as a reason for that I know they are not making any non-defensible
>> investments
> ***That is, ONCE AGAIN, not a REASON.  It is SIMPLY an ASSERTION from
> you.
>> . I said that is because they could not survive the social pressure in
>> the small country of Sweden.
> ***I don't think you said that, but it doesn't make much difference.  If
> you finagle a few $billion with insider trading, you can afford to move
> away from Sweden.
>> All these guys are well established in a small community and would rather
>> have a little,
> ***And you know this... how?  You're able to read minds?  You think these
> guys are above the common temptations of ordinary humans?
>> which is fair than risk their position for dollars they probably will
>> lose when it becomes clear they have cheated.
> ***Like Martha Stewart.  That's precisely what she did, even though she
> had position, status, money already.  But somehow you know that these guys
> don't have temptation to engage in insider trading.  You don't seem to be
> able to insert any reasons for this position of yours, you just reiterate
> your assertion, over and over, calling it a reason.  It ain't a reason.
> It's an assertion, and a poor one at that.  It's the rhetorical equivalent
> of pissing on a man's back & calling it rain.
>> You do not know me and you do not know the country's culture, but you
>> have clear opinions about both. Well . . .
> ***I have clear opinions about HUMANS, regardless of their culture or
> country.  Humans are fallible.  Swedes are humans.  Ergo, Swedes are
> fallible.

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