Interesting proposal, Jones.  I'll have to think about it.  Thanks for the
pointer to the paper.

On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 6:34 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

If Mizuno is correct we could add a fourth pathway for the dd reaction in
> LENR. That would be p+p+p+p. It is not clear if this reaction should be
> called fusion or fission or a new form of IC :-) but as of July 2014, it
> looms as the most important unexplained experiment on the horizon for
> deuterium-based LENR.

For this one, my working hypothesis is that Mizuno is seeing these two
reactions in tandem:

    (X)Ni + d → (X+1)Ni + p (Oppenheimer-Phillips process)
    p + d → p + p + n → p + p + p (about 10 min. later)

This tack obviously has several objections to worry about, such as the lack
of detected neutrons and the lack of activation.  My initial strategy for
dealing with these objections is to wonder whether the channel is actually
pretty small, in comparison to any energy that is developed.


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