taking the joke seriously I link you to the links I gathered

one big piece is the syntheis of daniele passerini.

there is also many articles in il coriere della sierra.
note that before the scandal Rossi was a star in La Stampa.

about ecological damage I only see 2 facts :
- tons of fluid stored
- one sabotage done by ... mysterious people... only rational hypothesis is
, neither green, nor rossi, nor locals, but vested interest who will be
paid to clean...

there is big articles on the growing cost of the cleaning...

note that the accusation of false billing against rossi finally was judged
false, and the billing was real. how justice can accuse someone of false
billing while it is real ? not checking ?

my main question is whether  rossi's process was very polluting (dioxin)
and thus practically useless... and thus if rossi was trying to correct
that with few chances.
or just slightly producing dioxin and only raising exaggerated concern, but
useless in current world...
anyway it seems from todays equivalent that you cannot make those biofuel
with random waste. you have to select some without chloride (tyres like
cassandra oil), or mechanically there will be dioxin. data are too much
corrupted on rossi's story to have a clear ideas.

just compare wikipravda/krivit version with il coriere della serra, or the
judiciary version gathered by passerini.

clearly facts are ignored by mainstream US sources. even italian journalist
bend the reality but have to admit it.

for the rest it is clear that since green and mafia are accused to work
together by some Italians, and that finally the cleaning was clearly done
by mafia or alike, in a country where rossi was in competition with mafia
who dumped waste in pits in the south at a high cost because of green

i report green and mafia maybe working  together, I don't say the green are
aware of it..."idiot utile", like green for carbon cap traders, or antinuke
for coal, gas, green bizz, and rare earth mining companies.

2014-07-20 6:56 GMT+02:00 Steve High <diamondweb...@gmail.com>:

> Nice try, but I can categorically state that this schlock-thriller has
> nothing to do with Dottore Rossi, there being a complete absence of snakes
> and clowns, despite the propensity of snakes and clowns to figure
> prominently in movies of this sort.
> On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ca1N4hFFQk&list=UUBbbFPLSMkDhHBPdazJOEaA
>> --
>> Daniel Rocha - RJ
>> danieldi...@gmail.com

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