the question you are asking are interesting and they are the one the
physicist community focus on... however I judge they are of another century.

maybe it is my education in semiconductors, current interest in LENR, my
experience with finance, with distributed parallel computing, my generation
educated with neural network and AI,but my impression is that the real "new
frontier" is all kind of collective behaviors and QM intrication...
the mysterious emergence of behavior in mud, sand, lattice, LENR, HTSC, and
don't laugh groupthink, financial bubbles, social networks.

complexity is the new "energy" of the 21th century

2014-07-20 17:09 GMT+02:00 Axil Axil <>:

>  There are big and hugely perplexing questions that science has not yet
> been able to answer. Something is missing in the scientific toolbox to
> solve these profound mysteries. Could that something be LENR?
> Observational evidence is conclusive that something is happening in the
> regions of the universe where an all pervasive dark stuff is spread more or
> less evenly throughout the cold reaches of intergalactic space. There,
> cold, low intensity nano reactions might thrive. Dark matter definitely
> exists; we detect gravity where the ordinary bright matter is not.
> Dark energy is less well understood; the observational data demands
> something, and modified-gravity models are not yet very promising. What
> could be producing all that power and still remain cold and undetectable,
> could that dark something be LENR?
> 95% of the universe is dark and cold – Science says let’s keep an open
> mind. But that open mind cannot include LENR, a process well suited to
> thrive in these vast icy voids between the stars.
> Science now has a picture that fits all the data: General relativity
> (gravity), the Standard Model of particle physics, and an inventory of
> ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy.
> But profound puzzles remain in science: reconciling gravity with quantum
> mechanics, what is dark matter, what is dark energy, and why is there so
> little dark energy compared to the expected amounts if connected with
> vacuum energy. Could we be missing something important, something
> essential, something fundamental, could that something be LENR?
> Could LENR be an all pervasive process that is spread throughout the
> universe occurring in interstellar gas clouds of hydrogen and helium
> detritus?
> There are clues that it could be. For example, those gas clouds are
> radiating 400% more extreme ultraviolet light (XUV) than can be explained
> from surveys of XUV sources including black holes, quasars, and big young
> stars.
> The lithium puzzle points to a process that is removing 1000 times more
> lithium 7 than can be explained by processes occurring in the centers of
> the stars. Something is consuming all the lithium; could it be LENR?
> The expansion of the universe is just starting to kick in after 14 billion
> years and it is now accelerating. It wasn’t there in those earlier times
> but it is now strengthening with a vengeance. Could this accelerating
> expansion, not in evidence till recently, be the result of an inflating and
> highly energy active expanse of hydrogen clouds just now getting some elbow
> room within expanding voids between the stars?
> There is observational evidence that the dark matter colliding in the
> bullet galaxy cluster is a soliton as big as that galaxy cluster. How can
> that be? But some theories of LENR might explain it.
> Dark matter can interact with itself as shown by the collision occurring
> in the musket ball galaxy. LENR based solitons can do that.
> Could the acceptance of the concept of LENR be the Holy Grail that can
> give science a key to unlock some of the most intractable conundrums they
> now struggle with?
> Just like any fact, these stubborn issues will not go away until their
> real cause is recognized; it’s just a matter of time. LENR is a major
> cosmological process not yet recognized by our myopic science and it is
> never going to go away. LENR will just be sitting there cross-legged,
> intransient, wise and immutable like the smiling Budda, as a great and
> universal truth stubbornly waiting to be recognized: it’s just a matter of
> time.
> On Sun, Jul 20, 2014 at 4:08 AM, Peter Gluck <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Thinkers and potental Writers,
>> Just now, I have NOT published this paper:
>> only its title.  The subject- past-present-future of LENR is much too
>> sensitive and in danger to be drowned in Detailitis, Dilutitis, Disputitis
>> Defrostitis and Defocusitis so please help me with the text.
>> It is important and will be also urgent, soon, I hope. Thank you.
>> Peter,
>> --
>> Dr. Peter Gluck
>> Cluj, Romania

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