Jojo Iznart <> wrote:

 I blamed Mills for revealing too much in his demos, now you are asking him
> to reveal more secrets.  I don't think that's wise.

Well, if he cannot reveal the chemical contents of the explosion, there is
no point to doing it. It cannot be convincing without that information. It
cannot even be useful.

We as outside observers will have to be content with what Mills reveals.

Not me. I reserve the right to discontent.

> He is under no obligation to reveal to us or to convince us.

He hasn't convinced me.

  He just needs to reveal to his investors and convnce them.

He seems to be good at that.

> We, on the other hand, will have to judge based on the limited info given
> to us.  And based on this most recent demo, I find his claims compelling .
> . .

I judge the demo useless, as far as I could tell. I could barely hear what
the people in the video said. Maybe if I could have heard it I would have
found it more convincing. Slides would have helped, too.

- Jed

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