On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 7:01 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

We need to distinguish between “nuclear” and “fusion.” The is little
> evidence of a fusion reaction in any form of LENR, sorry to say, but yes,
> the gain is nuclear, in the sense of nuclear mass being converted into
> energy in some way, which may not have been known prior to 1989.

Most of us will have acquiesced in allowing Jones his point of view.  But
people who may be new to the scene will perhaps wonder at statements along
these lines.  To support it, Jones will need to produce evidence ruling out
every instance of the following, as documented on a number of occasions in
connection with PdD and sometimes NiH systems:

   - In PdD and NiH, fast alphas and protons.
   - In PdD, significant 4He production above background.
   - In PdD, in some cases significant tritium production above background.
   - In PdD and NiH, heat on order that lends itself to an explanation
   involving fusion (or fission).
   - Soft x-rays, suggestive of fast-moving charged particles.

Jones is welcome to pursue his "nuclear but not fusion" angle, but it's
good to keep in mind that this view is definitely just one among many.


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