as my dear lobbyist said, working in academic research prepared hear for
politician backstab...

if it finally works, i would call for prison, one more.
the entrepreneur forgive, not the citizen

2014-08-06 22:30 GMT+02:00 Jed Rothwell <>:

> That's my take. The mainstream press calls it "fraud" without a scrap of
> evidence as far as I know. See:
> "Why do Scientists Commit Fraud"
> Here is what I wrote in the comment section:
> The accusations against Obokata are outrageous. Yes, there is some
> evidence she was sloppy, but there is absolute NO evidence she made a
> mistake or committed fraud. Her co-authors still support her. Sasaki left a
> message to her saying "I hope you can replicate." He still believed the
> results.
> I saw the NHK talk show "experts" attacking Obokata. They were ruthless.
> NHK's own tone was simply outrageous. They made everything look suspicious.
> They assumed fraud had been committed. They did the same thing in many
> previous "academic scandals" which were not a bit scandalous.
> These academic bullies have blood on their hands. If Obokata turns out to
> be right after all it will be all the more outrageous.
> I have edited and translated from Japanese hundreds of scientific papers.
> I have seen much sloppier ones.
> . . .
> Here is an example of NHK's previous shenanigans. Some researchers I know
> invited the NHK reporter to a funding meeting during a conference, at a
> restaurant. The reporter said he was busy. He and a film crew then secreted
> themselves near the meeting and took shaky, hand-held camera long distance
> shots of the professors and industry people going into the meeting. They
> broadcast this with the voice over claiming "here are researchers meeting
> with industry experts, preparing to shake down the government for funding."
> They made it look like a scandal.
> That was for cold fusion, which NHK, Nature and others despise. They are
> forever trying to make it look like a scandal, when all it is nothing more
> than peer-reviewed, mainstream conventional science published in boring
> journal papers. Hundreds and hundreds of boring papers. Believe me, I have
> read 3,000 of them and they are boring. Not scandalous.
> - Jed

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