Forgot to quote this: “Biochemical reactions take place on a picosecond 
timescale and the scientists believe that evolution has optimised enzymes to 
ring for just the right amount of time. Any shorter, and biochemical reactions 
would become inefficient as energy is drained from the system too quickly. Any 
longer and the enzyme would simple oscillate forever: react, unreact, react, 
unreact, etc. The picosecond ringing time is just perfect for the most 
efficient reaction.”

From: H Veeder []
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 12:59 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:LENR, Transmutation and genetic mutations

To bring discussion of evolution back to something more on topic for this list, 
I would like to suggest that if anomalous LENR transmutations are possible then 
they might play role in changing in DNA. In other words gene mutations might be 
less random and more like orchestrated disturbances.


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