Greetings Vortex-L,

"IF" my memory is correct...the Redford movie: Three Days of the Condor about.... oil wells.
Which leads to the assasination of the CIA "readers".  In my town when I
first went on-line
there were members of our 'tech group that were readers.

I asked if our computer  club host..IF..I could use her Photocopy machine.
She said was a Scanner.
In the late 1980 s scanners were HUGE!  She worked for a government
agency...and "Scanned Stuff"!

Also..I saw an internet rumor that Putin has cancer.

Ad Astra,
Ron Kita, Chiralex
Doylestown PA

On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 7:00 AM, Alain Sepeda <> wrote:

> from my community watch it seems LENR is quite popular among Russian
> pro-putin supporters...  to break the blocus that USA is trying to
> establish by current tactics.
> be careful about information around Rossia. the level of disinformation is
> as huge as WMD, ISIS, Syria,Iran... in fact it is the same story. it is
> when a leader try to get regional influence.
> 2014-11-02 12:28 GMT+01:00 Blaze Spinnaker <>:
>> It's interesting to see that Russia's economy is based largely on oil.
>> If LENR+ were to be replicated in a credible way tomorrow, for example,
>> in some sort of device that didn't require external power to continue
>> running, I think there would be a petro rush for the exits.
>>  Countries with oil would be trying to sell it off as fast as possible to
>> squeeze what they can out of it (for example, are the Saudi's already doing
>> this?)
>> They might also lower the prices enough so that it becomes less
>> economically critical to develop risky new types of power (they might
>> already be doing this to dissuade fracking and solar).
>> However, if all this were to happen, it could crash and cripple the
>> Russian economy and they might find it necessary to start a war as a way to
>> provide purpose to the Russian people.
>> Putin isn't an idiot, he wouldn't invade first of course, but rather he
>> would cause some external incident to occur that he reacts to.
>> We imagine sometimes that Oil is the source of all our problems.   But
>> LENR+ could be a geopolitical nightmare as it completely upends the fragile
>> balance of things.

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