Hello again,

and welcome to some more vos fun, this time checking out the CVS version.

Good news first, the CVS version works better than the pre2 snapshot! Now I actually get textures on the outerwalls! Maybe this was a bug in the CS snapshot after all. See first attached screenshot.

<<attachment: vos-cvs.jpg>>

Encouraged by this good experience with vostest, I gave terangreal a spin, using the default run loop as mentione in my previous email. The result is somewhat better than in the pre2 snapshot too. I can switch to interactive mode with the RMB and move around holding the LMB. However, there is no way to just look around, or maybe I am using it in the wrong way. Also, movement is somewhat jerky - smooth movement for a few seconds, the a total freeze for another few seconds, then it continues. During that freeze, animation (yohko) stops too. Strange, since there is nothing like this with vostests keyboard movement.

Also there is still some behavior that still smells like race conditions to me. When I cranked VOS_LOG_DEFAULT=4, My avatar actually fell out of the world and kept on going down. Very surreal... See second attached screenshot.

<<attachment: downbound.jpg>>

Finally, I gave wxterangreal a try. This also behaves somewhat better than pre2, though I still cannot move around. Maybe the WX run loop is still broken on the Mac. I do get a display though, even if it totally lacks textures and lighting. I can only describe the result as kaleidoscopic: Whenever I start it, I get a *different* picture of unicolor shapes! The last snapshot shows my coolest result so far, where Yohko does an iPod ad reenactment!

PNG image

I suspect wxmac is to blame for that, the missing textures would be consistent with the single black rectangle I see in wxtest. It does not explain the nondeterministic order in which the shapes appear on each start. Oh well...

Having lots of fun,
Karsten Otto (kao)
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