S Mattison wrote:
> Oh, well I didn't expect you to REPLY to them all!
> Hm. Well, I hope nobody thinks I've gone missing. =)
> Okay, where do I start to learn about COD files and buiding worlds on VOP?

The main two places to start I'd recommend are learning how to use the
'mesh' program to examine Vobjects, and trying out the COD exporter
plugin for Blender.  In mesh, run "help" to see a list of all commands.
There's also a brief walkthrough that gives a glimpse at how it's used
at http://interreality.org/projects/mesh.  You can run the "a3dldemo"
program and then connect to it with mesh and with TerAngreal.  Mesh
still has some bugs and tricky parts, be warned.  Also, TerAngreal
doesn't respond correctly to changes in certain parts of the world, like
texture and material changes, so you may need to restart it to see the
effects of changes.

Then you can get the exportCOD script for Blender and try making a scene
in blender, exporting it to a COD file, then using Omnivos to load that COD.


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