Peter Amstutz wrote:
> I'm not really comfortable with using the access control system for 
> this, though, since security policies (or capabilities!) define what you 
> *can't* see, whereas a view filters out what you *don't want* to see.  
> Access control is also a very blunt instrument, since you now don't know 

Yes, I was thinking of something similar but seperate.

> I think the problem we're really trying to solve, the "parameters" in a 
> parameterized view, is having a context or environment that modifies the 
> results of an action. 

Hmm, so message fields or pass a reference to a view object?  I like the 

We also don't want to require views, for simple situations you should be 
able to just do the straightforward world connection.

On the other hand, the view concept ought to be generic so it can be 
adapted to other apps than just 3d...

Will try to think more about it...


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