S Mattison wrote:
>> ""an area of interest "view" is a subset of all the avatars in the entire
> world""
> What does 'area of interest' mean? Why are you interested in certain
> avatars?
> SELECT * from `avatars` where `area` = 'interesting';

"Area of interest" (AOI) means a spatial region, defined either by the 
client or the server (i.e. in a game). Typically, it's all objects that 
are near you.  Restricting your view by AOI is an optimization to avoid 
downloading all of the world at once.  In a game situation it also 
prevents players from being able to magically see for hundreds miles, 
unless of course they have the super radar or magic crystal ball.   So 
it's more like SELECT * where distance_from_me <= users_view_distance.

The main difference between doing SQL queries and VOS is that I think 
the general consensus is that a view is a predefined persistent state, 
represented or created by a preexisting Vobject that a client can access.


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