On Fri, Feb 23, 2007 at 08:20:31AM -0800, Ken Taylor wrote:
> So far:
> - the bootstrap script worked fine once it knew how to get wget. (To keep it
> from finding cygwin's pkg-config, which caused some problems for me in the
> past, I just copied cygwin's wget and all required dlls to the msys bin
> directory)

That's a good solution.  Actually, to avoid having to use wget, it just 
occurred to me that Windows (and nearly every other OS in the world) 
ships with a simple command-line FTP client, so it might be worth having 
the default downloading program be ftp.

> - autoreconf had a problem due to vos/apps/tests/Makefile.am which
> referenced an undefined variable ${sqltest} I uncommented the line "sqltest
> = " and continued without a problem

Hmm, okay.  You're probably using a slightly different version of 
automake than we have been.  I've found that there is a great deal of 
variation over what it does and does not complain about across versions.

> - Auto-bzr-checkout and build of boost, wxwidgets, and crystalspace seems to
> have gone without a hitch. However, it looks like crystal space still
> requires the cs-win32libs library package for a windows build -- this should
> probably be added to the "compiling for windows" page in the manual.

Yes, you do need cs-win32libs.  My mistake for not documenting that.

> - making vos itself choked on vos/libs/vos/vutil/strftime_r.cc which calls
> "setenv" and "unsetenv" -- posix functions apparently not provided by mingw!
> I'm not sure what the portable workaround is for this. Isn't cross-platform
> development fun? :P

Uh oh.  Blame Reed.  And the fact that I haven't actually built VOS on 
Windows for a while...  That particular file was just added recently.  I 
need to set up a dedicated Windows box for development so I don't have 
to reboot my main machine (which is Linux).  Perhaps I should get up 
boot camp and dual boot my MacBook...

Unless Reed can give you a more specific answer about strftime_r, I'll 
have to take when I get around to it.  The worst case scenario may be 
that you can #ifdef out the offending lines, as it is probably only 
necessary for very specific non-core functionality.

> Note: I'm using the latest "current" version of mingw-runtime (3.9) -- the
> compiling for windows page doesn't suggest downloading this. Did they remove
> setenv at some point? Should I "downgrade" back to 3.1?

I have no idea, I haven't played in mingw land for a while, and last 
time I checked they were stuck at a particular version for ages and 
ages.  It's possible they finally upgraded.

The best way to deal with cross-platform issues is going to be a 
continous build that tests every change and tells us fairly quickly when 
something is broken.  We have one set up on interreality.org for Linux, 
but we still need to target Windows and OS X.  The main issue is just 
having the extra hardware -- I might be able to scare up some old 
systems that will hopefully do the job.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
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