Check this out:

The most recent post about "Web 2.0" talks about how he thinks the next 
big thing is going to be interoperability.  He mentions it more in the 
context of web services, but in fact many web services are a step 
backwards in terms of transparency, as a monolithic function-call API 
reveals little about the underlying structure of the data you are 

VOS as a platform for interoperability has a lot of potential.  What's 
unique, I think, is we're concerned with interoperability on multiple 
levels, thinking outside the "web" (HTTP/HTML) box, and application 
focused, so instead of fuzzy-headed theory or design by committee but 
we're actually trying to make it work for us in practice.

Walking into a presentation and saying "A focus of the VOS platform will 
be on interoperability with existing systems" makes people ears perk up, 
probably because the strategy for 99% of systems is platform lock-in.  
Since we're open source, we have no motivation to create lock-in, and 
ironically lack of lock-in becomes our own advantage.

Also, last night I came up with a new analogy for VOS:  
"XML for Objects"

Meaning, essentially, in the way that XML provides a meta-syntax for 
documents and enables a galaxy of tools and applications that can 
process them, VOS could provide a meta-framework for applications to 
interact, and similarly enable a galaxy of tools and applications that 
can interoperate with them.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2007 at 11:13:09AM -0400, Reed Hedges wrote:

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ ]
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