On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 09:12:30AM -0700, Ken Taylor wrote:
> Just for yucks, I tried to do a quick build of 0.24 in visual studio this
> morning... But it dies on libvutil with "cannot open file
> 'boost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_33_1.lib" ... Of course my boost lib (compiled
> with mingw) isn't called that. Now, I could hack around with the names and
> see if it works that way, but I was wondering... what is the "official" way
> to get it to link to boost? I see for 0.23 there was a

Hmm, in that case you'll probably need to compile boost (and WxWidgets) 
yourself.  Boost requires you use boost jam on the command line but is 
otherwise pretty easy.  WxWidgets has project files (by virtue of using 
the previously-discussed Bakefile system).

> http://interreality.org/static/software/0.23/vos-win32-msvc-libs-0.23.0.zip
> file but.... that file doesn't exist on the server anymore :P

Oops.  I'll see if I can find out what happened to that, although I 
can't say for 100% sure if it will actually work.

> Not a big deal yet, since I got mingw (pretty much) working. But if I ever
> want to try to debug I'll probably move over to VC since mingw's gdb is not
> working well for me.

Indeed, gdb on Windows does kind of suck, and the Visual Studio debugger 
is awsome.  (Albiet more awsome for .NET managed code than native code).

One issue with Visual Studio is that you can't easily from the IDE tie 
multiple build systems together in the way that can be done using 
command line tools and scripts.  As a result, each supporting project 
(in our case boost, wx, crystal space) has to be rather tediously opened 
separatedly, compiled and copied by hand to the proper place.

A pretty common way around this is to dump binaries/headers for all your 
library dependencies into source control.  That this generally works is 
one of the (few) advantages of the Windows platform monoculture.  I may 
end up doing this as setting up a Windows build environment has proven 
to be a reliable source of frustration that I'd prefer to avoid.

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
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