On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 11:34:40PM -0700, Ken Taylor wrote:
> Woo!
> It's been an epic adventure, but I'm successfully running wxterangreal built
> from scratch (and boost, wxwidgets, and CS built from scratch, too) through
> Visual C++. And I should still be able to build with mingw, as well, so I
> can verify any changes against the two different build systems
> simultaneously.

Wow, that's great!  I don't think I've had ter'angreal 100% working in 
MSVC for a long, long time.

> At some point after the dust clears I'll have to sort through all my mad
> hacking and figure out what I actually did to make it work... actually it
> wasn't quite that bad. But there were a few interesting things along the
> way, such as:
> - A bug in wxwidgets' msw/main.cpp where it used WXMAKINGDLL instead of
> WXMAKINGDLL_CORE (I'm guessing they've fixed this by now)

Well that sucks.  We have our own wxwidgets branch so we can fix that, 

> - Adding CS_NO_NEW_OVERRIDE to the CS setup file -- their special debugging
> new/delete stuff was just causing too much trouble and I didn't want to
> figure out exactly why.

That's fine, we arn't going to use their memory debugging anyhow.

> - having to track down a weird bug in object movement that seemed to have
> something to do with snprintf...
> That last one is worth talking about here -- my avatar movement was all
> wonky. But now that i have an IDE debugger that actually works decently, I
> was able to trace the problem to snprintf printing the floats wrong for
> position/oritentation in the 3dobject properties in some cases. It was using
> the custom snprintf function, but I didn't actually identify where in that
> function the problem lay. Instead I just went ahead and made it use
> _snprintf (just like MinGW)... is there any particular reason not to use
> _snprintf? The microsoft headers define it...

Uh.  Yea, I don't know why I did that, aside from the fact that fighting 
with Microsoft's idea of what is and is not in the standard library is 
an endless source of frustration.  We should probably have just used 
#define snprintf _snprintf, then?

> Anyway, just throught you'd be interested. I haven't tried building the new
> demo server yet, but when I do I'll see if I can track down that crashing
> bug (unless it's been fixed). I did go ahead and walk around the new gallery
> COD in "local-file mode" in terangreal, and it's pretty spiffy. The solid
> camera, even as simple as it is, is a nice addition, too. Oh, and grabbing
> things is fun :)
> (However, I can't actually log in to the interreality server at the
> moment... )

I need to pull out the ircbridge plugin from the interreality.org 
configuration until I can figure out why it's causing the server to 
deadlock.  What's irritating is I haven't been able to get a stack trace 
that will tell me exactly where the two deadlocked threads are getting 
stuck, so it's been exceedingly hard to debug.

(I'll do that right now, so by the time you get this message the world 
should be back online.)

[   Peter Amstutz  ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
[Lead Programmer][Interreality Project][Virtual Reality for the Internet]
[ VOS: Next Generation Internet Communication][ http://interreality.org ]
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