2013/3/25 Mercadante, Davide <davide.mercada...@h-its.org>
> Dear Christoph,
> I am writing because I have a question about preparing my system for CG 
> simulations using votca.
Welcome, and please if your research is not top-secret, post your
questions on our mailing list: <votca@googlegroups.com>, so that
others can learn from it.
> I want to simulate a peptide in water using a CG approach and I was thinking 
> of using votca to determine the non-bonded and bonded CG potentials starting 
> from the full atom simulations that I have already performed on the same 
> system (using Gromacs ersion 4.5.5). In order to do this I have studied the 
> votca manual and I found it very interesting. I am interested to apply 
> Boltzmann inversion method to find out bonded potential and IBI to determine 
> the bonded potential in order to build a gromacs topology to use in further 
> simulations.
> However, I have a question about calculating the non-bonded potential. It 
> seems to me that I have to "feed" votca with a settings.xml file that lists 
> all the non-bonded interactions occurring and other parameters to carry out 
> IBI. However, in my system (not very small) the list of non-bonded 
> interactions will be possibly very long..there is an automated way to build 
> the settings file? How I can get a list of non-bonded interactions in my 
> system?

I am sorry to tell you that there is no automated way to create these
xml files, we thought about that several times, but as it can be done
with a 10 line shell script and most interactions will have different
ranges, which will need some tweaking anyhow, we never wrote a program
to do it.

I can post my script if you need it!



> Thank you in advance for your time and please accept my apologies if this is 
> a stupid question. I am a newbie of votca.
> Cheers,
> Davide
> **********************************************
> Davide Mercadante Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Fellow
> Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies – HITS
> Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg, 35
> D-69118 Heidelberg, Germany.
> **********************************************
> --
> Christoph Junghans
> Web: http://www.compphys.de

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