Hi -

I'm trying to compile votca on a Centos 6.7 system and am running into an 
error. I've attached the compilation log.  I used the following steps:

mkdir votca votca/src
cd votca/src
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/votca/buildutil/master/build.sh
chmod u+x build.sh
export PATH=~/cmake/bin:$PATH
export BOOST_ROOT=/software/lib/Linux-x86_64/boost_1_62_0
./build.sh -DWITH_GMX=OFF --prefix ~/git/votca --dev tools csg kmc moo ctp 
ctp-tutorials ctp-manual >& ctp.log

The errors I am getting are with the ctp compilation:

../libctp/libvotca_ctp.so: error: undefined reference to 
../libctp/libvotca_ctp.so: error: undefined reference to 
../libctp/libvotca_ctp.so: error: undefined reference to 
../libctp/libvotca_ctp.so: error: undefined reference to 
../libctp/libvotca_ctp.so: error: undefined reference to 'gsl_blas_dgemm'

Thanks in advance for any help -


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